Last winter while in meditation, I got a message from the universe saying "You should plant some stuff..." or something like that. I didn't hear a voice because as far as I know, the universe doesn't have a vocal cord and she knows that if I ever heard a voice in my head, I'd be too scared to do anything with the message (yes, I believe God is a woman). I didn't see a vision because... I just didn't. So how did I receive this very important message? Glad you asked! The honest answer is that I don't know how to describe it so let's just call it intuition...
In the late winter/ early spring, I made a garden in a quiet little subdivision in metro-Atlanta. I spent hours and hours pulling weeds and tilling the earth. At first, I didn't want to get dirty so I wore gloves and boots and covered my body as well as I could. But as time went on, I took the boots off, I took the gloves off, I even sat on the bare earth with just my little shorts. I was covered in dirt and it felt so good to be dirty. I fell in love with the smell of the soil and as I dug the earth, I fell in love with the cute worms that live in the soil. I found seeds and marveled at how beautiful they were. I buried my beautiful seeds and cuttings in my garden and offered water to the earth everyday as I patiently waited for my seeds to come up from the soil and for my cuttings to grow.
Throughout the spring, I've watched my seeds come up from the earth with healthy green leafs, grow flower buds and bloom into flowers. I've watched my cuttings grow and watched beautiful fragrant roses blossom.
But as with every true story, there comes the twist... sometimes, when it rains the flower petals fall off the plant. Sometimes, animals stop by to eat my flowers. Someone even came by and cut off some of my roses...
At first, I wanted to put a fence, security cameras and warning signs around my garden but then I realize that these flowers are not mine. I am just the medium through which God allowed the beauty of these flowers to be seen and if some of God's children have come to appreciate the beauty of these flowers, who am I to stop them.
What I can do however is create this blog to share the beauty of these flowers (and other flowers I've run across) with more of God's children so that their beauty can be somewhat immortalized...